Trojan Club

Click Here to Join The Trojan Club, Support a Team, or Give to the Athletic Scholarship Fund
Learn more by calling (765) 998-4331
The Trojan Club is Taylor University's athletic booster organization. Comprised of alumni, supporters and friends, the Trojan Club's purpose is to raise funds to further advance the development of Taylor intercollegiate athletics. With the cost of funding an intercollegiate athletic program on the rise, The Trojan Club enables Taylor to keep its teams competitive. All 18 of Taylor's intercollegiate sports benefit from the Trojan Club's efforts.
Among the many ways that the Trojan Club has helped the university in recent years include supplying funds for the establishment of a sports information position, purchasing a motorized cart for the athletic training department, buying new video and weightlifting equipment and making funds available for coaches to attend clinics and conferences.
Your direct support of Taylor Athletics allows you to partner with a department that has had each of its teams earn NAIA Scholar-Team honors with collective grade-point averages above the 3.0 mark in nine-straight years.
With the support of alumni and friends, the Taylor combination of spiritual growth, outstanding academics, and a highly competitive intercollegiate athletic program can continue.
Take a look at our following membership packages and pick one that suits you today!
To join call (765) 998-4331 or click here.
The following are the membership levels available:
$1,500.00 and over - Trojan MVP
--Season pass for up to five people to all home athletic events ($625 value)
--Taylor quarter-zip ($50 value)
$1,000.00 - Athletic Director's Circle
--Season pass for up to four people to all home athletic events ($500 value)
--TU polo ($30 value)
$750.00 - Taylor's Starting Lineup
--Season pass for up to four people to all home athletic events ($500 value)
--TU polo ($30 value)
$750.00 - Taylor's Starting Lineup
--Season pass for up to four people to all home athletic events ($500 value)
$500.00 - Captain Level Membership
--Season pass for up to two people to all home athletic events ($250 value)
Although you will receive a receipt for your entire gift, due to government regulations, you are only allowed to deduct as a charitable contribution, the difference between the amount of your gift and the value of the premiums.
Although you will receive a receipt for your entire gift, due to government regulations, you are only allowed to deduct as a charitable contribution, the difference between the amount of your gift and the value of the premiums.